If you want climate action, please send your comments in support of the SB-4 to the Transportation Committee at tratestimony@cga.ct.gov by Thursday, March 10 before the public hearing on Friday, March 11.
Find Your Legislator
Not sure what to say? Keep it simple and go straight to the point: Tell the committee you support SB-4 and why. Urge them to support the bill. Be courteous. Say thank you. Include your name and town of residence. Please put the bill number in the subject line. And copy your legislator (find them here). Ta-da! You're done.
The purpose of SB-4, AN ACT CONCERNING THE CONNECTICUT CLEAN AIR ACT, is to reduce carbon emissions by expanding public and private utilization of electric vehicles in Connecticut to protect human health and the environment. Here's the language of the committee bill. And since it's 28 pages long, here's a handy guide from the Safe Streets Coalition of New Haven, at right.
News & inspiration for everyone who wants climate action in Connecticut